BRAINKINETIK® – The key to mental strength and success in school, sport and business! Our scientifically recommended exercise method promotes a Growth Mindset and strengthens executive functions through effective body-based behavioral, mental and brain training.


BRAINKNETK® works threefold

BRAINKINETIK® makes you mentally strong and trains you in a moving way Growth Mindset, executive functions and emotion-based behavior. We help you to unleash your potential, develop your socio-emotional skills and... school, sport and business to get better.

1. Growth Mindset
2. Executive functions
3. Behavioral training

Growth Mindset

With BRAINKINETIK® we combine physical activity with mental growth, by creating new nerve connections to promote a growth mindset. Our method is based on using targeted movement exercises that create challenges and strengthen flexibility, endurance and self-efficacy.

Through new movements, body and mind learn together to see challenges as opportunities, to overcome limits and to constantly grow with new tasks. BRAINKINETIK® shows how physical exercises not only increase fitness, but also positively influence the way you think - for one strong and growth mindset..

Executive functions

At BRAINKINETIK we have made it our mission to support executive functions (EF) of children, young people and adults - and in a unique way: through strange movement..

Our innovative movement method combines physical activity with neuroscience-based approaches to promote sustainably willpower, Self-regulation and ability to concentrate. Well-trained executive functions make children, adolescents and adults more resilient, flexible and confident – whether in school, in sport or in everyday life. With BRAINKINETIK we create a basis on which people can grow and develop their full potential.


Behavioral training

Our emotion-based behavioral training promotes emotional balance as well as socio-emotional competence and therefore essential components for building and maintaining relationships, regulating one's own emotions and finding creative solutions to new problems.

Based on our 3B-model and the findings of Dr. Hans Georg Häusel, regarding the motive systems of human action, we train with type-appropriate BRAINKINETIK® exercises specifically the strengths and potential in order to achieve a success mentality. This unique approach is unique to date and opens up new opportunities for personal development.

Scientifically confirmed

BRAINKINETIK® exercises train the executive functions of the brain. Through the constant demand of attention, working memory and Flexibility cognitive processes are activated and promoted. Additionally, they train willingness to make an effort, Stamina and willpower, as they represent a continuous challenge.

The exercises are very clever and, in contrast to other concepts and brain training, it is not about more and more new exercises and their constant change (before you have even mastered an exercise), but rather they are comparatively simple exercises whose difficulty levels are increased by the fact that and after arm and leg exercises can be combined to create complex whole-body exercises. This approach of “knowing AND being able to do an exercise” is what distinguishes BRAINKINETIK®, enabling in-depth mastery of the exercises, creates success experiences and promotes sustainable development of cognitive abilities..

Dr. Sabine Kubesch, neuroscientist and sports scientist



"Because even if the connections and circuits in the brain are created by movement, they can be recruited by other regions and used for thinking."

Superfaktor Bewegung, 2008

An enrichment in all situations in life, also for all age groups. Makes athletes more efficient, children more able to learn and older people more ‘fit for everyday life’. I have only had positive experiences
Rolf F.
An enrichment in all situations in life, also for all age groups. Makes athletes more efficient, children more able to learn and older people more ‘fit for everyday life’. I have only had positive experiences
Rolf F.
Brainkinetics is an ideal combination of movement, concentration, self-awareness and relaxation. Brainkinetics has opened up new horizons for me personally and will continue to accompany my life
Brainkinetik ist eine ideale Kombination aus Bewegung, Konzentration, Erkentnis über sich selbst und Entspannung. Brainkinetik hat mir persönlich neue Horizonte eröffnet und wird weiterhin mein Leben begleiten.
To learn what possibilities lie within us and how they can be awakened with relatively little effort through BRAINKINETIK®. I can recommend practising brain kinetics to everyone because it...
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Augustin H.
Zu erfahren,welche Möglichkeiten in uns stecken und wie man sie durch Brainkinetik mit relativ geringem Aufwand wecken kann. Ich kann jedem empfehlen, Brainkinetik auszuüben,weil man dadurch eine höhere Geschicklichkeit erlangt.Man bewegt sich selbstbewusster durch den Alltag und gelangt im Sport in ein höheres Level.
Augustin H.
Brain kinetics helps you to live a more focussed and goal-oriented life.
Brain kinetics helps you to live a more focussed and goal-oriented life.
It is fascinating to see and experience how the brain learns and what is possible. Exercises that haven't worked for a long time suddenly work overnight...
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Es ist faszinierend zu sehen und zu erleben, wie das Gehirn lernt und was möglich ist. Übungen die lange nicht geklappt haben, funktionieren auf einmal über Nacht. Das macht Lust auf mehr! Auch die damit erzielten Auswirkungen (ruhiger und gelassener) werden von einem und dem Umfeld wahrgenommen.
Brain kinetics helps me to constantly develop. It improves my coordination, basic endurance and also my brain performance. A complete workout for body, soul and spirit.
Andreas E.
Brain kinetics helps me to constantly develop. It improves my coordination, basic endurance and also my brain performance. A complete workout for body, soul and spirit.
Andreas E.
With and through Brainkinetics, many things run smoothly, gain in ease and take away the pressure of always having to do or be perfect immediately. For me...
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Mit und durch Brainkinetik läuft vieles spielend ab, gewinnt an Leichtigkeit und nimmt den Druck, immer sofort alles perfekt machen zu müssen oder zu sein. Für mich ist Brainkinetik immer wieder Lebensmotto und der Leuchtturm in stürmischen Zeiten.
Brainkinetics makes everyday life easier. Brain kinetics is the path to true happiness.
Anne B.
Brainkinetik macht den Alltag leichter. Brainkinetik ist der Weg zum wahren Glück.
Anne B.
Bei Brainkinetik handelt es sich um ein ganzheitliches, effektives Körper- und Gehirntraining, dass ich vollumfänglich weiter empfehlen kann. Unmögliches wird möglich!
Bei Brainkinetik handelt es sich um ein ganzheitliches, effektives Körper- und Gehirntraining, dass ich vollumfänglich weiter empfehlen kann. Unmögliches wird möglich!
I got to know BRAINKINETIK at a very young age and am still enthusiastic about the development, the effect and the methodology of the training and the entire concept. I...
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Ich habe in sehr jungen Jahren BRAINKINETIK kennenlernen dürfen und bin bis heute begeistert von der Entwicklung, der Wirkung und Methodik des Trainings und des gesamten Konzeptes. Ich bin dadurch ruhiger geworden und habe mehr zu mir selbst gefunden. Auf jeden Fall jedem weiter zu empfehlen!


We get you to DO, motivate you to MAKE and let you experience that you already have everything you need to achieve your goals: a wonderful body and brain. Our method provides you with the right guidance and ensures that:

New (nerve) connections in the brain

This creates the prerequisites for a growth mindset and ensures that you have more solutions and starting points for learning in everyday life.


By training executive functions, we influence the ability to self-regulate, which allows emotions and behavior to be better controlled.

Physical and mental fitness

The combination of body and brain training requires a high level of energy and ensures that you stay physically and mentally fit.


Self-confidence and self-awareness

Trusting yourself and creating something yourself creates self-confidence. Knowing that you can do it creates self-CONFIDENCE.

Unfold your potential




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